Weng Contemporary



Robert Indiana

Painter, scene artist and costume designer, Robert Indiana (born 1928, Indiana, USA) has always been associated with Pop Art. With his Love piece, Robert Indiana is one of those rare artists who succeeded in creating a universally recognized motif. Painter, scene artist, and costume designer, Robert Indiana has always been associated with Pop Art. With his Love piece, Robert Indiana, real name Robert Clark (1928-2018) is one of those rare artists who can boast of having created a universally recognized motif. After studying in various American art schools as well as Edinburgh College of Art and in London, Robert Indiana traveled throughout Mexico, Europe, and the United States before settling in New York in 1954. In 1962 he took part in the exhibition “New Realists” which gathered together a large number of the international artists associated with the Pop Art movement. A key artist of this movement, Indiana is part of the second wave of American Pop artists, after Rauschenberg, Johns, Chamberlain, and others. An admirer of Edward Hopper and the painter Charles Demuth, Robert Indiana became fascinated by graphic signs very early on. In the early ‘sixties, he developed his characteristically vibrant, colorful style encompassing letters, words, and numbers. Created during the war in Vietnam, his celebrated work LOVE with the slanted O was originally associated with the peace movement before becoming a Pop Art icon. The artist was to make steady and obsessive use of it, invading the world and reducing its impact in sculptures, stamps, silk-screens, and carpets.

“ As soon as you work in a personal way, you need a way to shield yourself – to put a distance between your personal life and the life you translate into an artificial environment – so that you don't sell yourself out. „

Robert Indiana

Robert Indiana's
available artworks

Classic Love

