Warhol's love for the Christmas season is through his Christian upbringing, later as a successful commercial illustrator (and before crowded the King of Pop Art), Warhol designed every Tiffany & Co. Christmas cards, from 1956 to 1962. Why did Andy Warhol love Christmas so much? When we take a look at his art practice, this might not be out of character. Not at all. Warhol was always fascinated by popular culture and consumerism and loved everything Pop. At once materialistic and spiritual, kitsch and inviting, universal and democratic, Christmas is probably the most Pop thing ever.
The notions of togetherness and friendship were always very important to the artist. An integral component of New York’s creative community, he was described as the one who aimed to keep everyone together. He was also very attentive and generous when it came to Christmas gifts. Recognizing it as a true collective myth, he believed in American Christmas.