A renowned figurative artist who emerged from the East Village art scene in the 1980s in New York, Donald Baechler´s works depict simple everyday objects that allude to the cultural symbolism of nostalgia and cliché. As a student at Cooper Union, in the late 1970s, Baechler found himself surrounded by the works of Pop artists and Neo-Expressionists, who played a big role in influencing his style. Combing universal iconography, Baechler remains concerned with form and emphasizes the importance of the line and balance throughout his art practice (works on paper, collages, paintings, and sculptural artworks). Donald Baechler is an artist that finds inspiration from “things I find on the street, or things drawn on toilet walls, or thing drawn by someone in a bar.” The voluptuous rose is a prominent motif in Donald Baechler's artistic vocabulary and a universal iconography. Placing the thorn-less rose in the center of this silkscreen, it emphasizes its dominance and extend a message of love, passion, sexuality, and mortality. The depiction of the rose is drawn in a comic style. Baechler was not aiming to draw a rose in situ or in a still life tradition, but drew this from a photograph of a rose tattoo. This rose acts as an object that alludes to the cultural symbolism of nostalgia and cliché.
“ My work to a certain extent is absolutely about other pictures the world of existing imagery. „