Mimosa, April 30, 2015-Donald Sultan-1

Although Sultan artworks fit into the criteria of still life, the artist considers them first and foremost abstract. The largeness of Sultan’s compositions, in which huge pieces of fruit, flowers, and other objects dominate the canvas against a stark and unsettling background, overwhelm the viewer and generate emotions. The basic geometric and organic forms, which are both subtle and monumental, are weighty and give equal emphasis on both negative and positive areas. This print of flowing mimosa blossoms, that shows all the textural qualities that the artist excels at in his printmaking projects, is made with several layers of color silkscreen, some matte finish inks and some glossy. Mimosas depicts the flowering plant Mimosa, which is also called the sensitive plant or sleepy plant. Sultan, seems to have taken inspiration from the name with the dark black, chalky stems flowing down and covering most of the page and the clusters of white spots symbolizing the blossoms.

“ ...heavy structure, holding fragile meaning with the ability to turn you off and turn you on at the same time. „

Donald Sultan