Weng Contemporary


Balloon Dog (Blue)-Jeff Koons-1

This most iconic artwork series of the 21st century is a reproduction of the larger sculpture of the Balloon Dog from the Celebration series (1994-2000), as conceived in five unique colours (Blue, Magenta, Yellow, Orange, Red).

The magic attraction of Balloon Dog lies in its ability to convey charm, power and material precision at once. Its equestrian shape resembles the heroic statuary trope that populates public spaces across the globe. Koons himself called this piece the "Trojan horse“ of the Celebration series.

The Balloon Dog has chameleon-like qualities; its reflective surface is capable of physically changing with its surroundings and its many-layered meanings make it conceptually change in the mind of each viewer.

The production of this artwork requires 60 people and takes a full month to complete. Its fashioning combines traditional porcelain decoration techniques with new technologies which are not typically applied to ceramics; this combination allows to achieve its specific metallic and reflective characteristics.

Each piece is signed on the inside front right leg and the signature is applied on top of the porcelain and fired in the oven.

(...) The only thing the artist can do is be honest with themselves and make the art they want to make. That’s what I’ve always done.

Jeff Koons