Weng Contemporary


Iceman X-Robert Longo-1

Iceman X is part of 2009 Project Yingxiong (Heroes), in which impressive fighter pilot helmets with an extraordinary level of intricacy and finish are represented. Longo's works straddle a line between hyper-realistic and disturbingly surreal and they are made exclusively from graphite and charcoal used with extraordinary flair and panache. The helmet is at the same time an abstract and surreal image, with the clouds reflecting in mask, and a real symbol of violence and war. Iceman evidences the artist's ongoing concern with the iconography of institutional power structures and political fallout.

“ It just hit me today that I'm doing all of this epic stuff at this point in my life. (...) I've been dealing with these epic images, and I realized all of a sudden that I grew up in the age of epics. „

Robert Longo